ENspire is a seed money grant program designed to support therapy graduate students who want to elevate evidence-based therapy practice in post-acute rehabilitation and dignify long term care in the eyes of the world. Applicants must be currently enrolled as a graduate student in an occupational, physical or speech therapy program and the aspect of the project funded by ENspire must be completed within 12 months of receiving the award.
Recipient of ENspire grant money will have their project described on this website. Recipients must acknowledge support of ENspire in all presentations and publications.
Budget requests cannot exceed $250.00 (two hundred fifty dollars). Items on the budget must show relationship to design of the study or the program to be implemented.
Application (below) must be completed prior to each quarterly deadline.
Q1 – March 20
Q2 – June 20
Q3 – September 20
Q4 – December 20
Q2 – June 20
Q3 – September 20
Q4 – December 20
Applicants cannot have previously received an ENspire seed money grant.
$250 will be awarded to one student each quarter. ENspire funds will be disbursed to the selected student within one month of application deadline.
Equipment, consultation fees, printing, postage, communications, and supplies
Salaries, expenses directly related to personal academic thesis, capstone editing or typing, travel to conferences, and professional membership dues