We have successfully completed our first week of the Learning “Oppties” program and we are pleased to announce last week’s winners! CONGRATULATIONS GOES TO SONYA TAYLOR, DOR at Park Manor in Walla Walla, WA. Sonya was our very first OPPTIES participant. Sonya will be receiving an “I’m a Winner” t-shirt and ensigntherapy.com watercan, along with a copy of the leadership book, “First Break All The Rules”, written by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. This book outlines what the world’s greatest leaders do differently.
Our TEAM OPPTIES AWARD goes to none other than Premier Care Center of Palm Springs. This rehabilitation team had phenomenal involvement throughout the first week. Way to go, Peter, Tim, Trent, Manuel, Todd, Don, Julie, Marissa and Katie! The entire team participated on more than one day! For their efforts, they will each be receiving an “I’m a Winner” t-shirt, an ensigntherapy.com watercan and LUNCH for the entire team sometime in the next month.
We also had our first participant from our newest inhouse therapy team last week. Bonnie Spivey, from Emerald Hills in Washington, provided an excellent example of co-treatment. Bonnie will be receiving an “I’m a Winner” t-shirt along with an ensigntherapy.com water can.
The involvement has been exciting. In our first 5 days of our Learning “Oppties” program, we have had over 65 posts. Nearly all companies supported by Ensign Facility Services, Inc., have participated!
An honorable mention for week one goes to the following people for their participation: Betsy Englebarts (Gateway), Christina Murray (Milestone), Ron Carlton (Keystone), Robin O’Connor (No. Pioneers), Julie Strickland and the entire Premier Care Team (Touchstone), Terry Martin (No. Pioneers), Cat Whipp (Bandera) and Jane Dressler (No. Pioneers). KEEP ON ROCKIN’ TEAM! We have lot’s more to share.
Deb Bielek, Therapy Resource.