We hosted the CE at our Legend West Houston facility. Nursing and rehab must be cohesive to a have a strong contracture management program. I sent an email out to our DONs and they welcomed the idea of including our RNAs. John even provided them with certificates. They loved it.
Thank you to those who were able to make it to the Contracture Management Course on Saturday. We had a great turnout from several of your therapists/assistants as well as your RNAs. The course speakers had an opportunity to visit the Katy and West Houston facilities, the day before the course, and provide face-to-face assistance. Tawaine and Brittany gave very positive reviews and stated that several patients were identified for therapy services that were previously overlooked.
Below, you will find the names and contact information of the speakers. Both are available to provide telemedicine support. What does that mean to you? If you have a patient you are considering for an orthotic and/or you need recommendations on the best splints, they are available by phone or FaceTime to provide guidance. They are also available to assist with verification of orthotics (especially for our managed care part B residents). All you need to do is send them the patient’s face sheet, and they will take care of the rest. Please take advantage of this available resource. We have several patients within our facilities with contractures, and our obligation is to provide the best quality of care available. Special Ensign pricing is available to us.
OCSI: Ongoing Care Solutions, Inc.
John Kenney: 949-702-2828 neuroflexjk@gmail.com
Regan Ponto: 970-978-1284 regancap@msn.com
Submitted by Kai Williams, Therapy Resource, Texas