Morgan Nebo, Dietary Supervisor at Victoria Post-Acute, and Aggie Smith, Flagstone Dietitian, provided a great presentation to the Flagstone DORs and SLPs on best practices for therapy and dietary collaboration with emphasis on ThinkThin!
Key takeaways from this presentation:
1. CMS — Quality of Care Intent: “To the extent possible, MAINTAIN or IMPROVE before complications arise.”
● Resident HYDRATION is the key (and the challenge) with thickened liquids.
● F692, Quality of Care Nutrition and Hydration, requires that a resident is offered sufficient fluid intake to maintain proper hydration and health.
● As a general rule, most residents will require 1500–2000 cc daily under “normal” circumstances — SLP collaboration.
2. Nutritional Assessment and Risk Identification: Collaboration with SLP and Food/Nutrition to assess a variety of areas.
3. Become familiar with using the information in PCC: i.e., Nutritional Assessment UDA along with CNA input/output reporting.
4. Collaboration is super important during quarterly assessments
5. Become familiar with the facility menu system in the affiliate you are servicing. Review the diet manual standards and follow facility nomenclature. If a facility-wide change is needed, collaborate!
The training was so successful, the LMS team is working on a recording so everyone in the organization can benefit from the great information and have continued collaboration for Think Thin!